To tell you the truth I had no idea what to write to you tonight. But then, suddenly, it struck me: Why not cyber out the question I’ve been thinking about for so long: Who are all of you who visit this blog every day? You see, I can click on “statistics”, and then I can see how many visitors (47 on average, the last 7 days), respectively visits (108 per day, last 7 days), I have had on this particular day. I have a pretty good idea of who my visitors are, but the visits… The thing is, they often comment on my writings – in English, that is, and these comments have absolutely nothing to do with what I have written in Swedish…? Well, sometimes someone wants to sell me some Viagra (which I have no need for at all, as you can guess), but mostly, it’s all about praising my contributions and thoughts (which they haven’t read, of course). So, what is the purpose of all this, I wonder? If you read this – in English, n.b.! – please let me know! I’m so curious…
Since I do not have anything new to tell you today, I would like to refer to my music videos again. They can all be found (9 tunes) under the heading Hemmamusikvideor. I had a listening look at them myself tonight, and I must say (no bragging meant): I like most of it! Ok, it’s amateurish, home made, and whatever, but it’s f-n honest! No fake! So, why not check it out?!

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